The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers is set to release his debut solo effort Flamingo
on September 14, 2010 in North America. Although first single Crossfire has failed to catch-on commercially, Flowers is now in full promotional swing, doing a live concert on MTV Live in Toronto this evening before a group of 100 fans. Although the program is normally 30 minutes long, Flowers delivered an extended set of material from his new album, arriving with a full entourage, two tour buses and himself being transported in an Escalade.
Fans had mixed reactions to his new material, some disappointed not to hear recently-leaked Swallow It, some raving about a track called Magdalena.
After completing his set and interview, the Las Vegas native headed straight for his Escalade (as seen above), a pattern of behaviour he is known for, not being the type to take photographs or sign autographs for fans, although one lucky fan did manage to get a photo with him.
Flowers will be performing an intimate show at The Mod Club tomorrow night for select Virgin Mobile customers and doing an interview on 102.1 FM The Edge also earlier in the day.
(Photo credit: Mr. Will-W.)
I really like your post you done a great jobs . Thanks for sharing valuable information.
I'm a little amazed and bewildered by what you have written. Being a fan and following reports on Brandon Flowers current warm -up shows it has been apparent that he does not and never has had a pattern of behaviour where he ignores fans.Could it have been he had other appointments/interviews? I have seen photos/videos and read numerous fans reports of meeting him.Can you tell me where to look for the reports on the pattern of behaviour you write about,because I must admit I've overlooked them. As for disappointing fans...its impossible to please all the fans all of the time and unless he was going to perform all the tracks from Flamingo you will get some reaction.
ReplyDeletehey Val! I understand where you're coming from as a fan. I don't doubt that Brandon cares about his fans, but this is the second time I've seen him do this in Toronto.
ReplyDeleteI do see celebrities on a very regular basis and in such circumstances, especially when he's out promoting an album (not on personal time), it's customary to do some type of acknowledgment.
In all honesty, at most there were maybe 15 people there yesterday as seen in my photo. Far from situation worthy of panic. And I do have a network of friends/contacts who unfortunately have reported similar experiences with Brandon.
Please don't mistaken my posting as an attack on character, it's based on findings and observation.
I am a fan too :)
Thank you for taking the time to reply. As a member of the TKC you do get feedback from the fans who have attended such shows. Such was the case for the MTV show. It was said that there were approx 50 people waiting outside and unless you are there to witness it yourself which story do you go with? I haven't come on here to have a personal dig at you, I just think people should be aware that not everyone sees it the same way. I appreciate you have friends and contacts who have seen it happen, not only with Brandon but many celebrities, because it is not always possible. It would be interesting to have feedback from other fans, because the ones I hear saw no wrong and have not done so in the past. So perhaps we'll just agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteThis goes out to Val from the uk. I just have a question for you, have you ever come in contact personally with Brendon flowers? If not, I don't think you should have any sort of comment about how he acts towards fans. Reading articles and watching videos of him are one thing, of course you are never going to hear the bad stories, nut only the good stories about him. He is not as nice as everyone makes him out to believe. I personally have met him three times. The first, I was alone with him and his tour manager, I asked him to sign a cd, he said no, I asked why and he said that he will never sign a autograph with a blue maker. I pulled out a black one and he said, "you must be a seller because you have more than one colour of marker in your bag" and said "I have to go, too bad buddy". Being a huge killers fan, I was really disappointed with this. I even had a front row ticket to the show that night. So I went to the concert, amazing show to say the least. I saw him afterwards, long story short, I got into the dressing room with him, I explained how I saw him earlier and I wasn't lying about having a front row ticket, he finally signed my cd, but insisted that it be in silver and that it be personalized, that's fine. I waited around till they were leaving the venue and personally saw the whole band ignore about 20 fans, jump into the car and leave.
ReplyDeleteNext time I met him was the other day at MTV, WIll has the story exactly correct, he totally ignored the fans except for one photo with somebody. He also pulled out a red marker and went to sign my friends cd, which if you have the hot fuss cd, you know it's all red, my friend asked him to sign the cover and he said no and went into the car.
I met Brendon the next day and he actually signed two autographs for me and did a photo with me.
So in conclusion, I'm not saying he is a bad person or anything, but he has the reputation of ignoring fans, plain and simple. Val, until you come face to face with him to witness him for yourself, please don't comment about what you think your opinion of him is.
Yes, and more thing I'd like to clarify is that definitely there was not 50 people in-waiting that night behind MTV.
ReplyDeleteI'm inclined to say the number was closer between the 15-20 person mark and Val, no offence to you as I'm sure you're a v. loyal fan of Brandon's too, but I find it a surprising that what I saw with my own eyes is being questioned when I was reporting directly from experience and observation in being there - you're overseas and commenting on something you didn't even experience. I mean that in the least harsh way possible, not trying to be abrasive.
Of course not many people would have complained - of the 20 or so fans who waited for him, how many are members of the fan board you're referencing? Only a fraction perhaps?
Brandon could have shown a little more effort - that's the bottom line, Val. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Toronto fans don't get to see him enough and it's not as if his two appearances were even available to the public, so only his biggest fans would've trekked out to show support at these appearances. I really hope somebody on his camp catches wind of this feedback.
Brandon lost his mother that year how did you expect him to act?. Fans should of considered themselves lucky they saw him at all that year. Maybe he was just having a bad day I've had plenty of bad days since my mom passed away I know how he felt/feels since it's something you never get over. Don't forget she was sick for two years before she passed away. How would you be if you watched your mother sick for two years then die in front of your face?. if you people that criticized him that year and the two years before would of been through what he went through you would see it all in a different way.
ReplyDeletePs. I wasn't going to reply to this at all since it was six years ago but it really ticked me off.