Monday, November 9, 2009


I was browsing through my friends' Facebook status updates today and found that the general consensus slammed teen country-pop sensation Taylor Swift's job as host this past weekend on Saturday Night Live. Curious, I decided to check out some clips on YouTube. It is fair to say that she wasn't all bad. Honest.

Swift opened with a singing monologue poking fun at some of her high profile past and present boyfriends and recent MTV VMAs award acceptance debacle. Quite witty. And as a true professional would, she has moved on and made the best of hurtful situations.

Later in the show she appeared alongside one of my favourites, Kenan Thompson as overzealous inmates from a sister prison who lecture youth offenders in an attempt to deter them from a life of crime. They went on about prison rape ad nauseam to the point that it was outright comical. Swift was perhaps most at ease doing a hilarious Public Service Announcement parody warning parents (played by Jason Sudeikis and Kristen Wiig) of the consequences of their bad driving habits.

This skit below of her as Kate Gosselin of Jon & Kate Plus 8 fame on The View is spot-on. I for one would not be able to contain my laughter while doing this!

What we all have to remember is that Swift is by no means a trained actor and above this, she's only 19 years old. I don't feel she embarassed herself at all and there just might be a bit of acting potential there. And besides, there have been other questionable hosts on Saturday Night Live in the past who are far more deserving of the harsh criticism. God, I'm old.


  1. You're so right Will.
    She's 19 years old...and she wrote that entire Monologue on her own.
    I think she did a stand up job.
    People love to criticize, but lets remember what all of us were like when we were 19...could we have done that as well as she did??
    I'm just sayin ;)

    Michelle Rosa

  2. The PSA was good. I agree. But one cute monologue and a sketch does not an appearance make.
    I am one of the biggest SNL fans going...I have loved it through the "good years" and the "bad years"...She just simply did not do a very good job...she looked uncomfortable a lot of the time and wasn't that funny.

    Making a comment on how one has fared as a host is not a reflection on me. If I think someone did a bad job at something, it does not mean I think I can do it better, it simply means, in my opinion, they did not perform to expectations.


  3. oh and Will...we are adding your new song to our PM rotation.

  4. I am by no means a Taylor Swift fan, more of an SNL fan and this was probably one of the best episodes of the season so far. Perhaps more due to the content, but I thought Taylor pulled it off and did a pretty good job. The Penelope character ,played by Kristen Wiig has always been a fave and I'm glad Taylor got to appear in one of those sketches alongside the extremely talented Wiig.

  5. Wow! The passion. Taylor definitely has the "it factor" nobody can deny that.

  6. would it be worth it to date Taylor Swift and risk her slamming you when/if you become her ex? um, yes
