Friday, January 13, 2012


Madonna & M.I.A.
Madonna's Interview with ABC's Cynthia McFadden has surfaced in chunks and here she is presenting some highlights of it on Good Morning America earlier today.  The Pop Icon talks about relationships, Lady Gaga, Cooking and her directorial debut W.E., among other pressing things.

On why she was so drawn to the story behind W.E., she reveals, "I wanted to know why King Edward gave up so much for her (Wallis Simpson) and what it must felt like to be loved so much.".  She admits to having been in relationships where the other was willing to sacrifice a lot for her in the past but also says, "I miss that feeling like being part of a Family unit and not having to make all the decisions on my own.".

McFadden asks Madonna why it is that she prefers younger Men and she answers, "I didn't choose to write it on a piece of paper 'I'm now going to have a relationship with a younger Man'", before stating the importance of being with someone her Children can look up to.

Madonna claims never to have cooked a full meal on her own, saying "I don't think I've ever cooked a meal entirely by myself... My Daughter likes to cook, my Son likes to cook.".  When questioned why this is the case by McFadden, she snaps back "Why do I have to do everything?".

Finally opening-up a bit more on the rumoured feud between herself and Lady Gaga, Madonna stated that the first time she heard Born this Way, her initial reaction was that "It feels reductive.". More will be revealed on tonight's airing of 20/20.

Watch the Highlights below:

Also, a quick Preview of Madonna's Collaboration with M.I.A. can be heard here:

(Photo/video credit: ABC)