At long last Lady Gaga’s new Single Born This Way has surfaced! Although there was never any doubt about whether or not it was good, the question is just how good it is on the Gagametric scale of things.
This feel-good anthem promoting self-acceptance and self-expression is unable to avoid that far-reaching influence of Madonna – and that’s a good thing. Reviewers of the Track however, have failed to see its brassy parallels to Sisters Are Doin' it for Themselves-era Annie Lennox. Melodically, there are even parallels to TLC's Waterfalls and Prince's Raspberry Beret, dare I say. That's what I hear, anyway. Of course, those subtle nods to Express Yourself and Vogue can be heard - that goes without saying.
Reteaming with Fernando Garibay (Enrique Iglesias, Britney Spears) and working for the first time with Chicago’s DJ White Shadow, Born this Way unmistakably is Gaga. Its hook of “I'm on the right track Baby, I was born this way” is sold convincingly with that unmistakable, just-woke-up textured Alto of hers. I’d peg this one neatly below Bad Romance and Poker Face in terms of her finest work. Is my world totally shaken by the Track? No, not really. Do I want to hear more of it? Yes.
Born this Way
hit stores May 23, 2011. Don't forget to tune in to her interview with Anderson Cooper on CBS' 60 Minutes this Sunday at 7:00 PM EST, followed by her performance on the Grammys!
Born this Way
Preview Born this Way in full below:
(Audio Content: Universal Music)
It's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! - I don't really care if it sounds a bit familiar - Say to Madonna's Express Yourself, or Ray of Light (That's maybe just me?) IT'S FABULOUS!